Well-Being Webinars


Mind over Matter: Quieting Racing Thoughts Before Bed

(45-minute WellSprings small, interactive group discussion)
Do racing thoughts keep you up at night? Whatever’s on your mind before bedtime can affect your sleep, as well as your mindset and actions the next day. Join a small-group conversation, led by a Spring Health provider, as we share our personal experiences with building a calm, positive mental state before bed.

Explore Your Story Through Journaling

(45-minute Workshop)
No matter who you are or what you’ve been through, your story matters—and writing it down can help you take control of the next chapter. Join a workshop led by a Spring Health provider to explore journaling as a way to embrace your uniqueness, heal, grow, and connect with yourself and others. Bring your pen and paper to this interactive session, where you’ll get comfortable with writing about how you’re feeling and learn all the ways it can benefit your mental health.

Sleep Struggles: Navigating Bedtime Challenges at Any Age

(45-minute WellSprings small, interactive group discussion)
Calling all sleepless parents, guardians, and caregivers! Does your child struggle with falling asleep, bedtime resistance, nighttime fears, or anxious thoughts before bed? Join a small-group conversation, led by a Spring health provider, as we share our families’ experiences with navigating these challenges and find comfort in knowing we’re not alone.

Mindfulness to Reduce Your Stress

(20-minute Mindfulness Meditation Session)
Mindfulness is a great way to relax, reduce stress, and learn to remain calm under pressure. It can also help to minimize some of the physical effects of chronic stress, like aches and pains, insomnia, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system.

How to Prioritize Your Mental Well-Being

(1-hour webinar)
Asking “How are you feeling?” is a simple way to show care for another person. But when’s the last time you asked yourself? Mental Health Awareness Month is the perfect time to start prioritizing your well-being by taking a mental health check-in. In this webinar, Spring Health providers will discuss how reflecting on how you’re feeling can help you move toward a healthier, happier life.

Compassion in Action: Supporting Each Other’s Mental Well-Being

(45-minute WellSprings small, interactive group discussion)
Is someone in your life struggling with their mental health? Though it can be hard to know exactly what to say or do, your support can really make an impact. Join a small-group conversation, led by a Spring Health provider, as we share our personal experiences with showing compassion for others and encouraging them to get the help they need.

Parenting with a Purpose: Supporting Children’s Mental Health

(45-minute WellSprings small, interactive group discussion)
If your child is struggling with their mental health, you may be wondering how to talk about the situation with others or advocate for your child’s needs. Join a small-group conversation, led by a Spring Health provider, as we share our experiences and empower each other to help our children get the support and understanding they deserve.

Opening Up: Talking About Mental Health in the Workplace

(45-minute WellSprings small, interactive group discussion)
Whether you’re thinking about opening up about your own struggles or trying to support a colleague, talking about mental health at work can be intimidating. Join a small-group conversation, led by a Spring Health provider, as we share our personal experiences with participating in these vulnerable conversations with care and compassion.

Mindfulness to Improve Your Mood

(20-minute Mindfulness Meditation Session)
Mindfulness can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety by helping you regulate your emotions and direct attention away from negative thoughts and feelings. Research suggests that it may be as effective as antidepressant medications for some people.

Mindfulness to Improve Your Sleep

(20-minute Mindfulness Meditation Session)
Mindfulness can improve your sleep by helping to reduce stress, worries, and racing thoughts. The practice of focusing on one thing, like your breath, helps your mind stay engaged with the present and not fixate on the past or worry about the future.

Mindfulness for Your Concentration

(20-minute Mindfulness Meditation Session)
Mindfulness can help you break unhealthy thought patterns by keeping your attention on the present moment. Your attention is like a muscle that needs training, and practicing mindfulness strengthens your ability to stay focused for longer periods of time.